I fondly remember meeting and first getting to know Dr. Rachel B. Asagba at my very first Logotherapy Congress in Dallas – and how happy I was to learn that she had not only been to Austria AND met Dr. Frankl and Elli, but had also studied with my beloved teacher, Dr. Elisabeth Lukas.
We kept in touch – thanks to Facebook and the strong ties Logotherapy tends to create among kindred spirits.
When my partner and I were traveling Africa on our motorbikes (2011 – 2015), we eventually came to Ibadan (in 2012). And – spur of the moment – decided to “just pop in and say hello” to Dr. Rachel at Ibandan University – and see if we might be able to arrange a “proper meeting” for later. Well, that day, I ended up teaching three impromptu logotherapy classes for some wonderful and dedicated students. Such fond memories!
Rachel also gifted me with her book - and as you can see from the picture, it is well worn by now. It traveled the African continent with us on our motorbikes – and became a much cherished companion. In a way this mirrors what Rachel represents and is to me: She took Dr. Frankl’s ideas to Nigeria and the African continent – and then brought them back to the rest of the world at conferences, in her research, her writings and in her dedication to and participation in the international community of logotherapists.
Therefore I felt immensely honored, very humbled and slightly terrified all at the same time, when Rachel entrusted her then latest research paper to me to present at the Conference “Future of Logotherapy” in Moskow in 2018 as she herself was not able to attend. As you can see in the pictures, I still have her original speaker certificate and the wonderful gift, every participant received (a hand-drawn caricature of Viktor Frankl – done by Dr. Frankl himself) in my possession. It breaks my heart that I did not get the chance and will not be able to give it to her in person, but I am beyond grateful to hold on to it as a keepsake – and one that means so much to me on so many levels.
The world and the logotherapy community lost a wonderful and cherished member, a great voice, a huge heart and a dedicated teacher and gifted researcher.
She will be dearly missed and fondly remembered. I will dearly miss and fondly remember her. My life is enriched because I got a chance to meet her. For this, I am forever grateful. Thank you, Rachel, for being: a friend, a teacher, a voice, a role model and above all: a wonderful, caring human being. Your life had meaning and meant so much to so many. You and your being touched so many lives. You live on in all the lives you touched.